
目前顯示的是 4月, 2021的文章

VoiceTube V.S. English Central



  What?  Edpuzzle is an online video editing and formative assessment tool that lets teachers cut, crop, and organize videos. This is more about getting clips into a format that allows teachers to engage directly with students on a subject. Who?  I'm a teacher, and my teammates are my students. How? First, record a video of teaching Danish. Then upload on Edpuzzle and add the questions to ask students to anwser.


  What?  Duolingo is an American language-learning website and mobile app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. Where? Anywhere if you have mobile phone. How? We choose Danish for our learning language, there are different questions and vocabularies each day.


 What? Each student in the class is assigned a unique coded paper card that will be scanned by the teacher’s device when the student displays it to the teacher. Who? I'm the teacher, and my teammates are my students. Where? In the classroom How? The teacher designs the question, after students read the question, they choose the answer wriiten on the coded paper. Teacher will scan the coded card and get the feedback.


 What?  Toontastic 3D is a playful storytelling app that scaffolds the creative writing process and empowers kids to create their own animated cartoons. Who? With my teammates How? Choose characters and take photos, and then choose three scenarios to create a completed story.